Terms & Conditions

Darius Quarles

Policies for Acceptance into LAC Open Shows

If the below policies are not followed, the artwork will not be accepted.

All submitted artwork must be original and not a reproduction. Any copied photos used in creating the artwork must have been taken by the artist. All artwork must not have appeared in a previous show at the Louisa Arts Center.

Artworks wholly generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs (i.e, DALL-E, Midjourney, or similar programs) will not be accepted for display. Artworks derived or transformed or modified by AI-programs are acceptable so long as the greater part of the artwork process and outcome is the tangible, intellectual, and creative labor of the artist(s). AI-assisted artworks must be acknowledged to the Gallery and potential customers.

All 2-D (to include drawing, painting, collage, photography, low relief, etc.) artwork must be framed in a professional manner and ready to hang from picture molding (ie. screw eyes, hanging rings, brackets, wire, etc. on both sides on back of the work). NO saw tooth hangers.

Attach a tag to the back of EACH artwork with the following information:
a. Name of Artist
b. Title of Art
c. Medium
d. Price or Not for Sale (NFS)
e. Dimensions, before framing

Artwork is not required to be for sale, but if for sale and sold, the Center will retain a 30% commission of the price listed by the artist. Set the price of the artworks taking the commission into consideration. The artist shall contact the Arts Center and remit 15% of the sale price of any item, which is purchased by an Arts Center client or referral from opening night to 365 days later.

Physical artwork must be delivered between 9am-11am the Saturday prior to the show opening following the online submission process with uploaded images. (NOTE: we cannot accept shipped artwork. In-person submissions only.) Due to lack of storage space, art may not be left at the Center prior to the scheduled drop-off date.

The Center reserves the right to reject from exhibition artworks accepted by juror due to content, inability to install the work (ie. improper hanging hardware), or work not ready to be hung (ie. wet painting, non-fixed charcoal/pastels, etc).

Artwork is required to remain on display until the end of the show.

After the close of the show, artwork must be picked up at end of the closing or on the Saturday morning following the closing. NOTE: any shipped artwork cannot be return shipped and will be considered an in-kind donation for our annual fundraiser. Artwork left at the Center for more than two weeks after the close of this show will become the property of the Center and considered an in-kind donation to the Annual Silver Tie Gala fundraising event.

By submitting artwork for entry and upon acceptance, the artist agrees to allow work to be shown and reproduced for publicity purposes.

The Louisa Arts Center takes every precaution to protect entries from damage and loss; however the artwork is NOT insured by the Center.

I agree to hold the Louisa Arts Center harmless and to indemnify the Louisa Arts Center against all claims resulting from losses.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions